

Color Block trends

Camilla and Zoe

On the Runway

Color blocking involves combining two or more different colors in one outfit. It could be a dress with two hues, or a plain-colored top and bottom with complementing, muted or contrasting colors. Shoes, bags, swimwear and nail art can also feature these blocks of color in one design. The important part is that the colors are solid, meaning they are not broken up by patterns or prints.

Color blocking is an awesome trend to play with if you’re hoping to add more color to your ensembles. It’s also a great way to transform those single-color pieces into a fashion-forward statement. The way I see it, wearing the color block trend can be done in three ways – the easy way, the hard way and the really easy way. The easy way is to get a dress that’s already color blocked so you don’t have to worry about what colors go with what.

Color block trend Color block guide

Click here read more on the Color symbolism chart